Privacy policy


Use of cookies :

This site uses cookies to optimize your browsing experience, and use of third party services applicant cookies.

What is a cookie ?

A cookie is a small text which memorizes the basic information relating to your navigation on the site. It is sent by the server and stored on your computer for the duration of your session, or beyond, to recognize you during your next session.

Why does this site use cookies ?

In order to constantly improve the quality of the services offered on the site and their suitability with your needs, EXPRESS DARYLINE may use " cookies ", text files that serve to identify your terminal when you log in to one of our services.
The deposit of cookies or plotter in your terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc) allows you to EXPRESS DARYLINE to collect information and personal data. Depending on your choice of settings of your terminal, the cookies allow in particular :

  • to use the main features of the website of EXPRESS DARYLINE,
  • to optimise our website and detect any technical problems,
  • to remember your choices and preferences and customize your user interface,
  • statistics for the purpose of traffic management and use of the various elements of the web site EXPRESS DARYLINE (sections visited, the route taken by the user) to improve the ergonomics of the site and the interest of the services offered,
  • to evaluate the effectiveness of our communication campaigns in recognising and assessing the number of clicks,
  • to know the content of the pages that you visit, the searches you perform, the information that you chose to share when registering with other sites, pages and web sites that you have been able to consult,
  • share information on social networks.

Depending on the choice of parameterization for the use of cookies, some tracers may be issued to and / or read by third parties (providers of advertising, communication agencies, etc) during your navigation on the site EXPRESS DARYLINE.

At any time, you are left with the ability to adjust your settings related to cookies.

How are posed these cookies ?

The cookies are installed automatically when you access the site.

When you first access the site, we will ask you if you agree with the third party cookies. You can opt out, and the page reloads to allow you to continue browsing without a cookie statistical or profiling.
We recommend you accept them, because otherwise some features will not be available (maps, etc) .

Note :

  • pursuing your navigation on the site without refusal will be treated as implicit acceptance.
  • Your preferences acceptance are stored for a period of 90 days.
  • To get back on your preferences cookies : Accept Reject

And if you do want no cookie ?

At any time, you can delete cookies from your post afterwards. You can also refuse cookies priori.
If you do not want to save cookies on your computer during your navigation on our site, you should ban it through the settings in your browser. Refer to the instruction manual (Internet ExplorerChromeFirefoxor other).


In the context of the use of its services and in particular the services accessible on its website, its mobile site, EXPRESS DARYLINE, in quality of data controller, may collect and process personal data about you.

EXPRESS DARYLINE is committed to compliance with the rules for the protection of the privacy of its customers, prospects and visitors to its website, its mobile site and mobile applications. All processing of personal data implemented in the frame of the accessible services comply with local regulations governing the protection of personal data and in particular the provisions of the law "informatique et libertés" of 6 January 1978 and the General Regulation on the Protection of Data (Regulation EU 2016/679) or " RGPD ".

EXPRESS DARYLINE is responsible for the processing of your personal data in the framework of these treatments. The respective responsibilities of compliance with rules relating to the protection of personal data were determined by means of an agreement.

EXPRESS DARYLINE also implements internal procedures are in place to raise awareness amongst its employees and ensure the respect of these rules within their organization.